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主演: 贝特朗·塔维涅 / 安德烈·马尔孔

导演: 贝特朗·塔维涅

编剧兼导演贝特朗•塔维涅是一个货真价实的讽刺电影大家之一。他的经验是广博的, 他的知识是浩繁的, 他的爱是无穷无尽的, 他的视野唯有马丁•斯科塞斯能相与匹敌。这部史诗般壮丽的纪录片一直在制作。贝特朗•塔维涅对本地的影院十分了解, 从巨擘雷诺尔、戈达尔和梅尔维尔到如今被忽视 和遗忘的艾德蒙•格里维和盖伊·吉尔, 他的观察和回忆极具穿透性而且极具个人特色。 Writer-director Bertrand Tavernier is truly one of the grand auteurs of the movies. His experience is vast, his knowledge is voluminous, his love is inexhaustible and his perspective is matched only by that of Martin Scorsese. This magnificent, epic documentary has been a lifetime in the making. Tavernier knows his native cinema inside and out, from the giants like Renoir, Godard, and Melville (for whom he worked as an assistant) to now overlooked and forgotten figures like Edmund T. Gréville and Guy Gilles, and his observations and reminiscences are never less than penetrating and always deeply personal.